When will tests for COVID-19 infection be advised for me?
The most common symptoms of COVID 19 are cold, cough, and fever.
What may be the treatment for COVID-19 infection?
Coronavirus is an infection caused by the novel coronavirus.
Can I Have Normal Delivery in COVID times? What precautions should I take after delivery?
Coronavirus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.
What are the changes in antenatal care (ANC) visits during the lockdown or restricted travel policy?
With the COVID-19 pandemic, our healthcare systems are under high pressure.
Types of Masks
Wearing face masks can help prevent and slow the spread of COVID-19.
How to use Masks?
COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has gripped the world in 2020,
Symptoms of COVID-19 infection
Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease and a global pandemic that has affected most countries across the world,
What are the ways to maintain home hygiene?
COVID-19 has affected millions of people all around the globe, it’s important to maintain hygiene & prevent the disease from entering your house.
What is Respiratory Hygiene?
Respiratory hygiene in infection prevention measures designed to limit the transmission of respiratory pathogens spread by droplet or airborne routes.
When you can be around others
When you have been diagnosed with with COVID 19, it is crucial to restrict yourself to isolation to prevent the infection’s spread.