Dental Problems
Hormones present in a human body dictate the efficient functioning of not just the reproductive process but also the skeletal and oral processes.
Electric Shocks During Menopause
During menopause, many women experience a sudden sharp but short coursing of electricity through the body, similar to an electric shock.
Fatigue during Menopause; The two parallel fears of women
Menopause is a period when women face many changes, both mentally and physically.
Аlthough not known аs hot flаshеs or irrеgulаr pеriods, dizzinеss is а common symptom of mеnopаusе cаusеd by hormonаl fluctuаtions.
Hormonal imbalance During Menopause
Hormones enable all bodily systems to work in a healthy manner – be it physical or chemical systems.
Calcium & Other Vitamins in Menopause
When women reach a particular age, they stop menstruating.
Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness is common symptom of menopause — and close to one out of every three women deals with it while going through “the change.”.
Night Sweats
Hot flashes are very common during perimenopause, which leads up to menopause.
Endometrial Atrophy After Menopause
Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods in women for 1 year.
Genitourinary Syndrome and Menopause
Genitourinary atrophy is a phenomenon that occurs when the body produces smaller quantities of the hormone estrogen.