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Narikaa is a FOGSI initiative, brought alive by Narikaa Digital.
It is a safe private space for women to explore, educate themselves and engage with one another to understand their bodies and their choices. The Narikaa platform is a Women’s health literacy platform that will provide insight & support to women from all walks of life.
Narikaa sees a Woman in all her potential as a valued member of social transformation, as a resource to the economy, as a caregiver and nurturer of future generations but most of all as a healthy, happy well informed Woman, equipped with information to make the right choices for her and her family.
In keeping with the FOGSI mission of reduction of maternal mortality, advocacy around the reproductive and sexual health & rights of Women, the Narikaa platform looks at health in a wholistic perspective covering the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of a Women’s evolution from Menarche to Menopause.
Content is custom created by a panel of writers & creators and approved by the Experts at FOGSI. Content is structured around the common issues faced by women revolving around topics namely :- Adolescence, Pregnancy, Infertility, Family Planning, Gynaecological Disorders and Menopause. Easy to understand short Videos & concise articles will be available on an easy to navigate platform with a sophisticated search function.
In addition, a section on Government schemes and programs will inform Women about the services and offers they can access. Narikaa is poised to be the World’s largest Women’s Health Literacy Program and a one-stop destination for young women, expecting mothers & senior citizens, in short Women of all ages.
Through the FOGSI (The Federation of Obstetric & Gynaecological Societies of India) network of over 30,000 members, soon Narika will reach out to millions of women, sustaining & supporting the FOGSI members in their quest for curated, custom created educational content that is Client facing.
Explore fun and helpful pregnancy tools like Pregnancy tracker, Baby Foetal growth development, vaccination reminders, etc.,
Expert talks
Articles from top experts – Gynaecologists, lactation and nutrition consultants on questions related to ovulation, pregnancy tests, baby bump, pregnancy food tracker and pregnancy Yoga to breastfeeding.